To facilitate your appointment, we recommend that you visit our appointment platform, by clicking on the button above.
You may also book an appointment by phone
(514) 370-2400
Why not give the gift of a Kiné Pro Sport gift card?
The gift of health and well-being is available in electronic version via the previous link or in store with a gift card.
To avoid a setback when booking, it is advisable to book your appointment 2 weeks in advance as appointments are restricted on evenings and weekends. For those with restricted schedules, we recommend booking 4 weeks in advance to ensure the availability of your choice.
Is this your first visit?
Here is some useful information to help you prepare for your date.
Depending on the area injured, be sure to dress appropriately.
For example: tank top for the upper body and shorts for the lower body
Exception: In massage therapy and certain athletic therapy appointments, it may be preferable that patients stay in their undergarments under sheets throughout the appointment.
If ever you had in your possession any documentation related to your injury, please bring it to the appointment (i.e. imaging report, medical note, prescription, etc.)
If possible, please download and complete the ‘New Patient’ form in the section below. You may email it to info@kineprosport.com or bring a printed filled out copy at the time of your appointment.
An appointment is accessible directly without any medical reference. However, each private insurance plan is different and may require that you have one. It’s up to each individual to contact their provider for information. A receipt will be given after each session, according to the therapist’s accreditations under one of their disciplines. It is at your discretion to you to submit it to your insurer.
Here at Kiné Pro Sport our appointments are very important to us. We understand that sometimes appointment times may need to be changed or cancelled which we are more than happy to assist you via our website or by phone. However, we require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for all amendments to ensure we have the time needed to offer these spaces to others needing a visit. If the notice comes with less than 48 hours’ notice, there will be applicable cancellation fees.
If you cancel the appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice of the appointment date, you must call us to cancel. We suggest switching you to a phone/video consultation to help continue to efficiently maximize your rehab despite being unable to safely present yourself at the clinic. If you refuse the phone consultation, the following fees will be billed, without an insurance receipt.
If you do not contact us before your appointment and you are not present at the time of your appointment, the total cost of the appointment will be billed to you without an insurance receipt. Payment of this bill is essential before booking your next appointment.
Our therapists reserve the right to refuse clients presenting with cold/flu-like symptoms. The therapist will propose to postpone the appointment or a phone/ video consultation will be proposed within 48 hours of the original appointment date to ensure proper progression of your rehabilitation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
When you book an appointment online on our GoRendezVous platform or by phone
(514) 370-2400
If you have never been to our clinic, have a new injury, or it has been more than 6 months since your last consultation, this consultation type to select.
For all types of manual therapy, the initial consultation includes an initial health form and evaluation.
If you are already being followed by one of our therapists for an already known injury and it has been less than 6 months since your last appointment, you have 3 options: 30, 60 or 90 minutes. For all types of manual therapy. If you are not sure of the time necessary to allocate to your follow-up, do not hesitate to contact us to help select the option that best fits your need.
Impossible to make it to the clinic? Looking for an easy and quick way to access the benefits and knowledge of your therapist? Want your therapist to evaluate your exercise program and make changes as needed? Not a problem! Your therapist is only a click away when you book a video consultation! This option gives you access to your therapist from the comfort of your own home.
These types of evaluations provide posture analysis, functional movement evaluations as well as concussion assessment and management.
Our Athletic Therapists offer group classes allowing for optimal position, form, and overall well-being. Depending on your needs, we offer a variety of classes to address cardio, strengthening, mobility and flexibility.
Service will be available shortly.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic treatment whose traditional origins reflect Chinese medical thinking. Acupuncture consists of the stimulation of specific areas of the epidermis: the “acupuncture points” mainly with the use of needles. Gua Sha techniques, cupping and other therapeutic modalities can be used.