Green clay is an asset to your well-being.
There are many ways to soothe aching muscles and joints and while conventional methods mainly involve analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants; you can also opt for natural alternatives such as green clay. This type of sedimentary rock has many virtues for the musculoskeletal system. It is recommended by health professionals to:
- Reduce stress and pain,
- Alleviate pain and discomfort associated with arthritis,
- Improve muscle injuries and sprains,
- Help recovery from sprains and strains.
Certain pathologies and disorders such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursitis and joint trauma are other causes resulting in joint pain. These painful sensations are often caused by tissue inflammation. In such cases, clay is used as a poultice to be applied to the affected part of the body.
The type of clay used for compression is precisely green clay. When preparing the clay, it’s always best to use materials such as glass and wood that don’t react with the metals present. Avoid using spoons, bowls or other tools made of steel or plastic.
Take 3 tablespoons of green clay powder and add lukewarm water. Stir the mixture until it has a thick muddy homogeneous texture. If it’s too liquid, it will slide over the area to be treated making it less effective. The pasty mixture is then placed on the spot to be treated, typically the inflamed area, and then wrapped with gauze, tape or cling film. Keep it on for twenty minutes, up to several hours. The important thing to remember is that the clay no longer works when it’s dry.
If necessary, repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week for best results.
Note that wintergreen essential oil is excellent for aches and pains, but has a few contraindications: people suffering from asthma, ulcers, allergies to aspirin or taking anticoagulants