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Showing 25–32 of 33 results

  • Leukotape P

    Leukotape P is high strength, rigid, porous, tape ideal for rigid joint immobilization.

    25.00$ Add to cart
  • Pre-Tape Glue (Mueller 114.3g)

    Assists in improving the adherence of tapings.

    25.00$ Add to cart
  • Roll-on Essential Oil Blend for Stomach Aches

    By applying a small amount of our essential oil blend directly to your belly and following the application instructions provided, we allow for a decrease in pain and severity of the symptoms being experienced. Why use a roller applicator? Trying to get therapeutic effects from aromatherapy through the sense of smell alone is not as effective as applying the oils…

    10.00$ Add to cart
  • K-Tape ( Strap It)

    K- Tape manipulates the skin, muscles, and fascia to promote and improve circulation, lymphatic drainage, correct muscle/ joint function, improve fascia mobility and relieve pain.

    25.00$ Select options
  • Athletic Tape

    A non-elastic sports medicine adhesive tape with excellent adhesion and tensile strength properties. Made by Jaybird

    5.00$ Add to cart
  • Theraband (1m Long)

    A compact and economic solution for upper and lower body exercise. Lightweight, malleable, portable, and durable. Effective when used alone, with handles or with anchors. Colour-coded according to the exercise band’s resistance and effective for all levels of rehabilitation as well as at home training!

    5.00$ Select options
  • Minibands

    These bands provide continuous loop elastic bands using a system of progressive resistance depending on the colour being used.

    5.00$ Select options
  • Lacrosse Ball

    Efficient for acupressure and auto-massage to help alleviate muscle tightness and pain. Very effective at working out muscle knots, increasing blood flow and flushing out muscle waste.

    10.00$ Select options